
† Madison&Harmony †

So recently I've been a busy girl at work and stuff (Though I haven't found much time or motivation for my photography studies >.> bleh). The fruits of my labour?
1. I'm waiting on some peeps to authorize some forms for me, and if all goes well I should have an online merch shop up in a few weeks. Which is exciting, I've always wanted to go into apparel but have been to scared of it. So fingers crossed for no glitches!

2. Madison & Harmony. A comic concept that my sister and I brewed up together that has never properly seen the light of day, whose first chapter is currently underway. My goal is to complete a short story graphic novel to sell at the Armageddon Expo in Auckland next year (or if I manage to finish on time, which I doubt, this year even) along with some of my merch and prints. If it is well received by the public, I might think of presenting it to publishers (eek!)!

Here's a peek at some of the artwork and the first chapter cover for Madison&Harmony. I designed the logo in the second image myself and I'm still not quite happy with it, but I think it will do for now.

Madison and Harmony are two cute little twin sisters with a dark twist. Harmony is the happy, perky elder twin with a deadly violent streak, she suffers from Tourette's syndrome, which makes for many random comical outbursts. Madison is the quiet, serious younger twin shrouded in mystery and darkness. The girls share a huge stuffed animal named Bunneh, who is almost like their triplet and goes everywhere with them. He's the 'cool older brother' type of character who almost has more personality than them though he can't speak or move. Together the three of them deal with daily life as misfits and take joy in the simple things in life: making the neighbours' lives hell, playing guitar, world domination and being silly.

The first chapter starts off with Madison explaining Harmony from her point of view - on her evil throne in the corner of their room.

I'm on the third page currently, and it's been so much fun to draw so far - I really hope it stays that way!

Anyway on a different note, Easter is coming up and I'm off for the long weekend to soak up whatever sun is left before the Winter sets in and kills my extremities.

Happy Easter and all that!



† Artist Feature †

Harro peepls!

Since I don't always have something neat and interesting to post, I thought I'd
start to occasionally share another artist's talent with the few of you who stumble on
to my humble little blog!

Here's a peek:

For this week, I'll kick off this neat little segment with a fellow redhead Kiwi artist:

World, meet Kelly Thompson...

Kelly is a fashion illustrator and photographer extraordinare in my book.
Her illustrations are stylish and modern, yet timeless and thought-provoking at the same time.

Beautiful? YES PLEASE!

All images were sourced from her Facebook Page