
Tee-design and general updateness...

As I've said on my website, I'm currently busy with a secret project that I'm going to try and complete by the end of the year (or at least close to complete). I'm busy with the prep for it and a few other things I have planned up my sleeve, but there are still a few planning glitches that need smoothing out before I can properly start... To give you a clue: books. And also animation, as I have agreed to help out a friend of mine with one of his personal projects. Now I just need to figure out a good schedule! I'll try to keep my blog as updated as possible, though I'm not terribly active here.
Also, I hate accounting.

Go vote for my first tee design, Aliss in Gothland!

Cookies to those who do! I'd appreciate any input, rating runs for the next 7 days!

That's all for now... I think.
Cheerio, dearies!