
† Chilly Down Time! †

Howdy folks!

Been a while since my last post! The new dayjob mingled with tons of personal activity makes for difficult art-making. Etsy's been put on hold for a while until I feel a bit more inspired to carry it through. Sewing is an activity that requires patience and accuracy - something I seriously lack when I get aggro. But fear not!
I got Manga Studio recently, so I've been toying around loads. I only have a few proper paintings and a few doodles to show for it, though...

Feast your eyes!

More line drawings can be seen on both my Facebook and DeviantART pages! :)

I've been feeling a bit stressed out lately, about various personal things. But mostly because I can't decide whether to continue with my illustration studies or not. I am also torn between going to Auckland(AUT) or Wellington(Massey) next year... But seeing as I've never seen Wellington, my dearest partner and I are going for a short visit over the weekend to take a nosy-around and to visit his Dad. I'm so excited! But I think I'm looking forward to the actual road trip more than visiting Welly, hah!

So here's for hoping that things will feel(and be) clearer by this time next week!

Until then, be safe!
